This is a list of free ebooks, and pdf of all the Puritan writers, from John Owen, Richard Sibbs, Thomas Manton, Thomas Brooks, and Jonathan Edwards to many others you may never have heard. They are treasures from pastors long dead which are so sweet to the soul.
Joel James is Pastor/Teacher of Grace Fellowship in Pretoria, South Africa. This link takes you to the church’s resources page where you will find a number of helpful booklets. Among these booklets are: ‘How to Handle Calamity,’ ‘Overcoming Anger,’ and ‘Expository Study: A Practical Guide to Preparing Expository Sermons.’ and more.
The CBT has the purpose of helping believers to think biblically about different topics like theology, culture, education, artificial intelligence, politics, journalism, and more. Click Here
Whether you are a parent teaching your children, a Sunday School teacher, or a Bible study leader, it is essential to be true to the text of Scripture as you study and teach! Only then will you be able to accurately apply the transformative truth of God's Word.
The "True to the Text" workshop is designed to help you with this! Follow Dr. Mike Powell, as he leads you through a step-by-step process, teaching you how to dig deep into God's Word, interpret it properly, and then teach it so that you and your hearers are changed.